First Breeding Record of White-Tailed Tropicbird in Cabo Verde

First Breeding Record of White-Tailed Tropicbird in Cabo Verde.

By Vanessa Lopes

In an exciting new publication, Ivandra Gomes et al. present "First Breeding Record of White-Tailed Tropicbird, Phaethon lepturus, in Cabo Verde," featuring Ocean Voices Fellow and PhD student, Vanessa Lopes. This groundbreaking discovery marks the first recorded breeding of the white-tailed tropicbird, specifically the subspecies P. l. ascensionis, in Cabo Verde. Previously, this beautiful seabird had only been sighted in the country.  

This newly published short note emphasises the critical importance of monitoring and protecting Rombo’s Natural Integral Reserve, a key habitat for these remarkable seabirds and underlines the need for continued conservation efforts to preserve the biodiversity of Cabo Verde. 

Lepturus - Cleiton Alves - Associação Projecto Vitó
P. l. ascensionis, in Cabo Verde
Photo Credit: Cleiton Alves - Associação Projecto Vitó

Vanessa Lopes has played a pivotal role in this project, collaborating closely with local biologists and supporting lead author Ivandra Gomes. Vanessa's dedication extends to translating the publication from Portuguese to English, broadening its reach and impact. Her leadership exemplifies the promotion of scientific scholarship in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) like Cabo Verde, facilitating vital science-to-policy interactions by ensuring that scientific findings are accessible to policymakers, thus enabling informed decision-making and the implementation of effective conservation strategies. 

Access the article here:  White-Tailed Tropicbird 

Access video of Projecto Vitó video here: White-Tailed Tropicbird video