Ocean Voices Week 2024 - Edinburgh, UK, 2024

During the first week of July, the Ocean Voices Programme welcomed its international community of Fellows, advisors and visitors to Edinburgh, UK, for its annual Ocean Voices Week.

By Lucy Tomkins

The second annual Ocean Voices Week took place in Edinburgh, UK, from July 1st to 5th, 2024. The international Ocean Voices community gathered in Edinburgh to exchange knowledge, strengthen relationships, and engage in collaborative research. 


OV Week Conference Group Photo
Voices in Ocean Governance Conference participants outside Old College, Edinburgh

Fellows from around the globe came together to share their unique perspectives and expertise. The first day focused on the Voices in Ocean Governance conference, where fellows presented their research and participated in panel discussions. Key themes of the conference included the discussion of the science, information, and traditional knowledge in ocean decision-making, the impacts of climate change on marine species and local communities, and the science-policy interface in coastal ocean management. 


Ocean Voices Fellows panel participants from left to right: Ms Mariana Caldeira, Ms Munshidha Ibrahim, Dr. Maila Guilhon, Mr Sergio Cambronero Solano, Ms Kalene Eck, Ms Kathryn Audroing, Ms Alumita Sekinairai, and Ms Sheena Talma
Ocean Voices Fellows panel participants from left to right: Ms Mariana Caldeira, Ms Munshidha Ibrahim, Dr. Maila Guilhon, Mr Sergio Cambronero Solano, Ms Kalene Eck, Ms Kathryn Audroing, Ms Alumita Sekinairai, and Ms Sheena Talma.

Throughout the week, Ocean Voices Week hosted engaging seminars and workshops to promote knowledge exchange and skill development. Participants delved into a wide range of topics and discussions. This included a mock negotiation exercise on the development of an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, with a focus on financing mechanisms, capacity building, and technology transfer. The session supported discussions on the challenges of using your voice in negotiation settings and strategies to overcome these obstacles. Additionally, workshops were held that provided a platform for discussion on securing funding and implementing ocean projects. These sessions aimed to help Ocean Voices Fellows grow their research. 


Ocean Voices Community in Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh, July 2024
Ocean Voices Community in Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh, July 2024

Building on last year's retreat, Ocean Voices Week provided a unique space for Fellows to reflect on their personal and professional growth and build relationships within the ocean community. Through individual writing sessions, roundtable discussions, and one-on-one mentoring, participants were encouraged to identify their goals and aspirations within and beyond their Fellowship programme. Ocean Voices Week was a fantastic experience, fostering stronger relationships, igniting new research collaborations, and advancing the future of Ocean Voices and fellows' research.  



Stay tuned to hear more from each of the Fellows by following Ocean Voices on TwitterLinkedIn and Instagram
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